
Your baby's growth tracker

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Understand your baby's growth and development, step by step.

For every step of the way

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Tailored Growth Milestones

Track your baby's feeding, sleeping, and developmental stages with our age-tailored insights. Watch as they grow, month by month, with guidance that grows with them.

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Cherish Every First

From their first laugh to their first crawl, Budsy helps you celebrate and record each precious milestone with joy and ease.

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Simplify Daily Routines

Log feedings, nap times, and new experiences with a few taps. Budsy turns daily routines into meaningful patterns for a happier baby.

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Custom Care for Your Bud

Get personalized tips and activities based on your baby's unique feeding and sleeping habits to support their individual growth journey.

About Us

Our Foundations

Budsy was founded by two parents-to-be who wanted to make the first year of parenthood a little easier. We believe that every parent deserves to cherish every moment with their baby, and we're here to help.

Our Belief

We're about empowering you with confidence to manage the ups, downs, and delightful surprises of parenting. It's not just about routines; it's about the unexpected joys and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're doing great.

Our Vision

To be the silent partner in your family's adventure, providing insights and support as you navigate the wonderful chaos of childhood. Every parent's journey is unique, and Budsy celebrates that. Let's embrace the twists and turns together.

"There are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child." - Anne Lamott

© Budsy 2024. All rights reserved.

Contact us at: budsyapp@gmail.com